113 W. Essex Street Suite 204 Maywood, New Jersey 07607
1124 East Ridgewood Ave Suite 201 Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450

Awards & Recognition
Dr. Frank S. Ciminello, MD, FACS
New Jersey’s Top Docs – 2012
New Jersey’s Favorite Kid Doc - 2012
Walter Redish Award – Outstanding Research Physiologist
— Awarded to the person who most embodies a true academic clinician and
— physician scientist (awarded three times in 20 years)
The Medical Society of the State of New York – The 2000 Community Service Award
— In recognition of outstanding contributions and selfless service to the community
Award of Distinction – Citations for Service
— For outstanding service rendered to the medical college in the furtherance of its
community mission
Award of Distinction – Citations for Service: Rotoplast Team
— In recognition of services rendered to the children of Pereira, Columbia 2006
Founder of the Med-Shop Program and Co-author of the Med-Shop Manual
Community outreach program designed as a medical workshop for a variety of homeless, single mother, battered women, and men’s shelter in the greater New York area
Co-Founder of the New York Medical College Student Research Committee
Established to encourage and enhance medical research amongst medical and graduate students through workshops, lectures, and an annual research forum
Societies and Boards:
American Society of Plastic Surgery
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Adam Feintisch, MD
Rutgers-NJMS Golden Apple Nominee (2014)
Rutgers-NJMS Golden Apple Nominee (2015)
Junior AOA Medical Honor Society Inductee (Spring 2009)
Dean’s Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Academic Performance (2006-2007)
Dean’s Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Academic Performance (2007-2008)
Cum Laude, Cornell University (2006)
National Society of Collegiate Scholars (2004)
Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization (2004)
Dean’s List, Cornell University (All semesters)
Dr. Edward Hahn Jr., MD
Gold Humanism Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society
Kelly Medal: Distinguished achievement of Biological Chemistry
(Graduate with highest Biochemistry GPA) -
Hohman Medal: Distinguished achievement of Chemistry
(Graduate with highest Chemistry GPA) -
Fr. Joseph E. Schuh S.J. Scholarship
Warner-Lambert Foundation Scholarship